Monday, June 11, 2007

Here we go again

Hope everyone out there in Bloggerland had a good weekend.

After sitting in the torture chair at the dentist for an hour+ on Friday, I went home and gargled with Jose' Quervo (for medicinal purposes only, of course).

V. went and spent the weekend with his dad. I think that was the first time this year he has spent the weekend with his dad.

I was pretty much feeling like crap with my sinuses. I went to Group Health and picked up a prescription for Flonase. It doesn't completely relieve my symptoms, but it does a pretty good job, just leaves me a little bit stuffy.

It rained most of the day on Saturday, so I pretty much vegged out.

Then all the sudden the alarm was ringing and I had to come back to work. There is no ruder sound that an alarm clock on Monday morning.

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