Sunday, February 08, 2009

It Just Ain't Fair

I woke up Saturday with a sore throat and stuffed up head.

I finally get a couple of days off and I feel like crap. I spent the whole day on the couch yesterday. Will probably do the same today.

I also haven't been sleeping well. Wake up choking from all the nasty stuff in my throat. Maybe it is time to break out the Nyquill.

V. called from San Jose this morning to say he did well in the first part of the debate Tournament. Good enough to come back for the second part today. He was really jazzed when he called. We congratulated him and told him we were very proud of him, wished him best of luck in the finals. I guess all the time and effort we have invested are proving worth the investment. Up until now, it has just been local braggin' rights, but West Coast Regionals is a different thing. Maybe I will have to start thinking about Nationals.

So he will be in the back of my mind all day today. Sure hope everything goes well.

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