Thursday, February 19, 2009

Triple Hump Day

No, I am definitely not talking about sex.

The first hump day is because It is Wednesday, and it is downhill from here to the weekend. This is mostly symbolic, since I am working both days this weekend.

The second Hump Day is a little more relevant because it is day 10 of my 19 days without a day off. About now I can start looking forward to having next weekend off. Probably will be too tired to do much, but any time off right now is a good thing.

Third hump day is because I am over the hump with my cold. I feel well enough that I didn't take any NyQuil last night, and left the Robitussin at home. But then again, I have stomach cramps and diarrhea today, so I don't dare to cough.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sound good!