Sunday, February 01, 2009

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday


Up at zero dark thirty to go down to work. I needed to get in to do my usual weekly statistical stuff. How many of what and how long it took. Can't do statistical trends without statistics.

After five hours, I had enough and skipped out. Six days until a day off.

Some of the people in the regular group have complained that the P8-A guys are hogging all of the overtime. So we are throwing next weekend open to whoever wants it. I might actually get two days off if we have any takers. But they have to be willing to sit in my chair and do my job. The fact that none of them have ever done it or know what it entails might discourage most of them. There are a couple of them that I would very much like to see try, because their idea of a good day at work is one in which they don't have to do anything or answer any questions.

So I am home early, having a couple of beers and getting ready to watch the Stupor Bowl.

I don't really care who wins, as long as it isn't the guys in the stripes. Or whoever paid them the most.

If I can just stay awake.

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