Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eighteen Down, One to Go

I have now worked eighteen days in a row, but tomorrow is Friday, and I have the weekend off. I don't know what we are going to do. Mrs A wants to go someplace, but hasn't expressed any desired destination.
I'm kinda leaning towards Deception Pass. Far enough away to be "away" but close enough to not be a major expedition. Wonderful scenery, some nice trails to hike. There is a small seafood selling place along the way. Fresh caught shrimp, fresh clams, Dungeness Crab meat.
We will probably detour to Anactortes to the Rock Fish Cafe, which serves very good seafood, and also happens to be the public outlet for Anecortes Brewing who happen to make an excellent Porter. No hurries, no worries.
I had a rude awakening this morning. When I got up and peeked out the drapes, there was about 2" of fresh snow on the ground, and it was still coming down. Mrs A and V elected to stay home. I borrowed the HHR and went to work. The roads were terrible. It had rained, then frozen, and then snowed on top of it. Lots of tire spinning going on. I live four miles from work and saw a half a dozen cars either in accidents or off the road. The roads are clear now, but it is supposed to freeze tonight, and any water left over from today will be ice in the morning.
I hereby order Winter to be over. Executive decision.

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