Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Nothin' is somethin'

I really don't have anything to post today.

But the fact that I don't is in and of itself significant. Ever since Mrs A and I got hitched (Coming up four years on the 9th) we have been going into, coming out of, or in the middle of crisis. It got to the point where we hated to answer the phone.

The last couple of weeks have been blissfully quiet. It's not a state I am used to, but I sure would like to try.

Frosty again this morning, but the afternoon is supposed to be beautiful. I have Physical therapy for the pinched nerve in my neck after work. I have most of the feeling back in my thumb and all of it in my forefinger, so even though I thought the exercises were a bunch of BS, I guess they work. Either that or they are just a distraction to occupy you while the natural process of healing takes place.

Afterwards I need to go and get a card for Mrs A. It's her birthday tomorrow, and I'm not going to say which one.

I value my life.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Smart man...somet hings are best kept unsaid...especially when it comes to a woman's age! :)

Glad the exercises are working for you!

And HAPPY EARLY B-DAY to Mrs. A! :)

Al said...

PQ: I am capablle of learning a few basic truths about women. Don't ask their age, don't tell them to just calm down, and never tell them to just take care of it themselves.

rennratt said...

...and never, EVER tell them that they should have "asked for help" before making a decision.

We don't like that at ALL.

Al said...

Renn: Yeah, kinda like asking a guy to stop and ask for directions.