Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stretch Time

Because of my rabbit picture yesterday, the Peanut Queen banned me to the dungeon. No castles with dungeons being available, I did the next best thing.

I went to Physical Therapy, where they put me on the modern equivalent of the rack. They sit you in a chair and put this thingie under your chin, They turn on the machine and it hangs you for 15 seconds, then relaxes fot five. This way they can hang you over and over without actually killing you. This goes on for 20 minutes at a time.

I am sore as heck this morning, but I have all the feeling back in my thumb and forefinger.


Denny Shane said...

Aren't these modern medical techniques simply amazing? lol

Al said...

Denny: Downright Medieval

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

See what happens when you displease The PQ???


Hope you're feeling better now...:)

Al said...

PQ: Everything is just peachy. No more rabbit pictures.