Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Beer = Civilization

There have been a lot of theories expounded about that critical time in Human development when we transitioned from a nomadic group of hunter/gatherers to a settled agrarian society, the basis for our society. Generally it is believed that we settled to farm. I say why we first settled was beer.
Think about it. Evidence in some of the oldest villages turned up vessels that were designed and used to ferment grains. If there were vessels designed specifically to brew in, the act of brewing must have existed for some time, and may even predate the settling. So how did this come to be?
When we were a society of hunter/gatherers, we would have had vessels to transport whatever foodstuffs we could find in quantity, so probably there were clay or wooden vessels for transporting grain. Inevitable these vessels got water in them. Rainwater or water from fording a body of water. It got wet. When it got wet, it was left out in the sun to dry. When this happened it started fermenting. Which produces a great deal of bubbling and foaming. The resulting liquid is a sort of primitive beer. Someone drank this fluid, and declared it good. This was obviously the result of some kind of powerful magic.
Whenever the grains became available, they were soaked down and then left in the sun to ferment. This led to the manufacture of vessels specifically for fermenting. Over time, we found that we could plant the seeds of part of the harvest to guarantee a harvest the next year. These planted fields became the home turf for the group, which would still roam around, but would be tied to a central area.
Eventually they settled down and built permanent housing, started specializing, set up rules for behavior within this new context. In other words civilization.
In the words of the great scientist and inventor Benjamin Franklin "Beer is proof that God Loves us and wants us to be happy".
And who am I to fly in the face of this great patriot?
So refusing to drink beer is like spitting in the face of civilization!


Michael said...

But, I don't like beer! Can't I love civilization by drinking rum instead? ;-)

Al said...

Michael: A much more advanced state of the original supposition. Much later a more advanced state of civilization discovered distillation. Same principle.

Rick said...

Beer actually brought an end to the "Honey War" between the states of Iowa and Missouri, back in the 1800s. The two states were gearing up for war over their common border when both sides started stocking barrels of beer for the long haul. Before they could fire a shot, both sides got drunk and called the hole thing off. True story.

Al said...

Rick: Another reinforcing tidbit for my theory.

sue said...

Sorry, but I'm not a beer drinker either... unless it is icy cold and I'm in just the right mood.

Now us Iowan's and Missourian's fight over other things. Like which state is dumber.

Al said...

Sue: Sort od like Huskies and Cougars here in Washington.
What do you say to a Cougar in a suit and tie?
Will the defendant please rise.