I've had better weekends.
Mrs A. wasn't feeling well, and about the only time she left the unit was to go eat. Friday night we went to the restaurant at the Lodge, and the cooking was, well, uninspired. I had seafood linguine', and it was pretty tasteless. I added a pat of butter and some salt and pepper to make it a little more palatable.
I got up Saturday morning with a stuffy head and sore throat. I went on a short hike (three Miles) along the lake shore and up Willaby Creek. It was a beautiful morning. The picture is along the Willaby Creek Trail.
Since neither of us was feeling well, we just hung out at the unit. We went across the road to the Quinault Merchantile for dinner. They have always served a great hamburger and an oustanding shake. The place had changed hands since the last time we were there, and not for the better.
No mushrooms, no nice long hikes, just a very quiet weekend. The weather was outstanding, but we really didn't care to get out into it.
At least there weren't any owls...........
Good thing! Owls are EVIL!!! ;)
Sorry to hear you and the Mrs.'s were feeling bad over the weekend...that sucks.
PQ: Hate to spend all the time and money and not get much out of it. Oh well, that's life.
Ugh - sorry about the not as exciting as planned weekend. I hope you are both feeling better soon.
etw: Thanks. Mrs A. is getting better, and I am just grinding it out.
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