Monday, October 27, 2008

What a Doofus

I may have mentioned before that I am not the most coherent person first thing in the morning. Especially right now, As I am still fighting the crud, and take a double pump of Nyquill before retiring. That stuff really knocks me down and puts me out.
This morning I had gotten ready, put together a lunch, located my cell phones, got on my coat and went to put on my badge.
No badge.
I always put it in a little wicker basket on the telephone table. It wasn't there. If it isn't there, I usually have left it in my coat pocket. Check coat. No badge.
Sometimes I leave it on the little table next to the recliner.
No badge.
Maybe I left it on the nightstand.
No badge.
I run frantically around the house looking every logical, and some not so logical places.
I finally give up and decide to stop in and get a temporary badge.
I do this.
When I get to my desk, I take off my coat and am trying to figure out where to hang my badge, but this stupid lanyard is in the way.
Oh, yeah, the one WITH MY BADGE ON IT.
I was wearing it the whole time.
What a doofus.
I have absolutely no memory of ever putting it on.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I always ALWAYS keep my bage and name tag in my purse and put it on before I leave the house. Even though we see the same security guards day in and day out, if we don't have our bage on, we don't get inside. Not to mention if we don't have our badge, we can't get from room to room or floor to floor.

Guess putting it in a purse just isn't an option for you now, is it? ;)

Al said...

PQ: The choices are pocket or wallet, and if it don't fit in either one of those, you can probably do without it.

Sarah said...

Any chance you've seen today's "Zits" comic???

Al said...

Sarah: Nope. I'll go see what I can see.

Sarah said...

Dad: "This is ridiculous! I must have five pairs of reading glasses in this house, and I can't find one of them!"

(I'll leave you to imagine where they are.)

Jeremy: "You couldn't write stuff this weird."

Mom: "Has anybody seen my purse?"

(Again, just imagine...)


Al said...

Sarah: Now If I could just find my glasses to read it........

Sarah said...

I'd suggest checking the top of your head. Or around your neck.

sue said...

Maybe you ought to cut back on the Nyquill a bit, hun... :)

Al said...

Sue: I will take it under advisement. Perhaps a double tap is a little over the top.

rennratt said...

I have searched for car keys frantically WHILE THE CAR WAS RUNNING TO WARM UP, panicked about glasses that I WAS WEARING, and lost the debit card that I was holding in my hand.

I understand. Probably too well. I also didn't have the Double NyQuil advantage.