Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Well, Christmas Eve morning, acctually.

Yesterday was another challenging day in a string of challenging days. Today will be better. It had better be, or I want my money back.

Mrs. A flies back from Utah this afternoon. She managed to catch herself a dandy of a headcold or sinus infection. The cold dry air went straight to her sinuses.

It's going to be a busy morning. Yesterday afternoon, I made a batch of egg rolls, but I need to cook some of them up for our family Christmas Eve celebration. It took me about three and a half hours to roll 123 egg rolls, but then I didn't have anything better to do.

I am typing this on my new laptop. It's a HP with a 17" widescreen, full size keyboard and 10 key, and wireless internet card. Now I can blog from just about anywhere.

My family celebration starts at 1:00, and I have to clean the house, do some laundry, take Molly for a walk, and cook eggrolls, so I can pick up my mom at 12:30.

To quote Tigger, that Icon of instability,



rennratt said...

mmm. Eggrolls.

We had grilled cheese and played "Sorry".

Al said...

A fine alternative.

Th eggrolls disappeared real quick. My sisters all try to claim first leftover rights, but there are never any left over.

C'mon by and I'll treat.