Things are going to get more and more busy at work, so I think I have to start getting used to the idea of blogging more from home. I just feel out of sync with reality (as if the blogosphere has anything to do with reality).
When I got a few moments at work today, I did a post and made a few comments, but everything was so Random.
Stop here and leave an incoherent or barely coherent comment, move on and do it again.......and rhyme, no reason. a little flash of this, a little shake of that.
I live by my focus. I can follow a chain of logic. I can take a plate full of data and make into a sensible meal, edible by Management.
I take chaos and turn it into something resembling order.
But oh what fun to just submit to the randomness of the world and do things that do not in any way lay claim to logic.
On one hand today was a day that challenged the rules of order. I FORCED logic into chaos and triumphed.
My victory dance was into randomness.
I know exactly how you feel. Some days it just feels better to surrender to the RANDOM. Who am I to say what's real?
Rick: Just float in the river and let the current take you where it will.
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