Tuesday, March 20, 2007

All Hail Spring!

Today is the first day of Spring. YEEHAW!

Of course it is snowing in the pass, and we may have snow showers in the taller hills, it is freezing cold with a nasty wind, but by God if the calendar says Spring, it is Spring. Maybe if I go home and put on a pair of shorts and a Hawaiian shirt it will cause the seasons to roll.

More likely it will cause the weather gods to roll: On the floor with laughter when they freeze my ass off.

I did get out and do battle with the rose bushes last weekend. Mrs. A. was getting frantic about getting them pruned "before it's too late". Too late how? Are they going to migrate or something? Maybe if you wait too long, they wake up and fight back.

Oh, wait......

I did get several thorns imbedded in my hands to the point that I bled.

Maybe they were just coming awake.


Doo Dah said...

goofy ole Al . . . .must prune the roses before it is too late.

:-) happy spring!

Al said...

Doo dah: At least I wasn't painting the roses red like Tweedledum and Tweedledee!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I have a "black thumb"...by the time they get old enough to need pruning, I've killed them off.


Anonymous said...

I transplanted a bunch of ground cover and watered it in on Monday. If my plants and/or garden hose are frozen this morning I'm gonna be pissed!

Al said...

PQ: Maybe they get too much "fertilizer."

Rick: So, I had to scrape ice this morning.......