Friday, March 16, 2007


Renn was talking about her mouth getting her in trouble, something I am familiar with.

Here's an example:

Dave and I were moving from Seattle to San Francisco to go join the Hippies. Dave had relatives in Oroville, Cal. so we planned our trip so we could stay a couple of days with them. His Aunt, Uncle and cousin. We had just graduated from High School the previous June, and his cousin was a Senior. I thought it might be an interresting time.

We got in on a Thursday night, which was girls league bowling night, so we went down to the bowling alley. I met his cousin, and a whole lot of other females.

The next day was his Aunt's turn to drive in the carpool, but she got in a minor car accident, so she asked us if we would mind picking up the girls after school.


Dave was driving his 1958 Plymouth. All the chrome had been removed and the car had been painted Taxi-cab Yellow. Think of "Christine" and add histerical yellow.

We were dressed in "Hippie clothes"

We pulled into the parking lot of the school to wait for the girls. A cop car pulled in behind us.

The cop came up and motioned for Dave to roll down the window.

"I see you are from out of state. Did you know that it is illegal to loiter on school property in the State of California?"

Me and my big mouth. "Websters Dictionary defines "Loiter" as: "To consume time idly and without purpose". We, however are here with a very specific purpose."

I watched the red creep up his neck. He told us to move or get arrested. so I asked him "There is a street in front of the school. Is the other side of the street school property?"

His face got even redder as he told us too get the hell out of there.

We went and parked across the street from the school.

He pulled in right behind us, and we were immediately arrested.

This is the only time I have been in jail, and it only lasted a couple of hours.

One of the girls we were supposed to give a ride home to was the daughter of the city Prosecuting Attorney, and he was not happy about her having to find alternative transportation.

We had a talk with him and made a deal that we would plead probable cause if they would drop charges. Otherwise we were going to sue the city for False Arrest.

They did, and we did, but that is only half of the story.


Doo Dah said...

I snorted laughing......I cannot wait to hear the rest.

LOL good to be back, love hearin your stories again Al.

Doo Dah said...

you sound like a smartass like me

Al said...

Doo dah: MEEEE??? A smart ass? Don't know where you came up with that.

rennratt said...

I bow to the Master of Literal!

Al said...

Renn: I am truely honored!

Michael said...

We're gonna need to hear the rest of the story you know! ;-)

Al said...

Michael: Coming soon to a blog near you!