Thursday, March 01, 2007


Up here in Latteland, we get like maybe a dusting of snow a couple of times a year. With everything we have had this winter, the last thing I needed was more of the white slippery stuff.

This has been a winter to remember. I know I will get little sympathy from some, but I don''t think anyone has had the variety of bad weather we have had this time around the calendar.

In November, we set an all time record for the mount of rain in a month, ever in recorded history. Mind you, this is Latteland, where it rains 200 days per year. There is a REASON we have a Starbucks on every corner. We basically have two seasons, the warm rainy season, and the cold reainy season. Sometimes in August, we have Summer. But November was rain that had ducks looking for shelter. Slugs committed suicide.

Then in December we had a local record destructive wind storm. It did more damage than any other wind storm in recorded history. See a pattern here?

January brought snow that stayed around for weeks. You see, around here it snows, and by noon the next day, it is gone. Snow is an excuse to take a day off of work, and nobody can bitch you out about it. "But boss, the Department of Transportation said we should not travel unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary, and who am I to defy thm?" But after about three days,, eneryone has lost patience, and you have to go face it.

Yesterday we had a late snowstorm. We here in Alville were not hit hard, but there was a stackup at Snoqualmi pass that involved around 50 cars and closed the Pass down.

Reports are that the Spring Crocuses are coming up, and my Tibetan Magnolia is budding out, so I know the turn is near.

I can't wait.


An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

All that rain sounds familiar... its like that in Swansea too.. same with the snow...ah well.. make good use of it.. burrow down, get the hot chocolate made and the books out :)


An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

...or else find a a very fun way to keep warm with Mrs A ;)


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

We're fixin' to get his with some storms today...but at least ours is just rain and wind.

I can't handle snow!

Stay safe and warm! :)

Al said...

EW: Yeah, just bought a new book. Once I finish with the kitchen floor, it may be back to bed.......

PQ: Maybe you could hunker down with the PK and a bottle of Morgans....