Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Way to go Mrs A.!

Mrs A is retiring at the end of the month. She has been trying too figure out what to do when she quits working at BECU. She can't just sit around. It is not in her nature.

She works out at Curves in Renton. Once she quit working, she really not be able to afford to continue. So she came up with the perfect solution.

She starts working part time at Curves in the mornings. While she is still working at BECU it will just be for a couple of hours a day, going up to four hours as soon as she retires. The pay isn't all that great, barely above minimum wage, but it will be enough to cover har expenses above her retirement pension, and still leave her time to do volunteer stuff at Group Health and at our Church.

It sounds like a perfect solution for now, so she can take some time and decide what she wants to do with the rest of her life.

The only downside is that she will have to get up at zero dark thirty to be there by 6:00 AM.

She is soo happy right now that it is contageous.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oh that is AWESOME for her! That worked out pretty good, didn't it?

I can sympathize with her about getting up so early. That's the only part that sucks about it!

Al said...

PQ: It's like everything fell in place all at once. I'm happy for her, but a little green with envy.

Sarah said...

Excellent solution, except the oh-dark-thirty part, when normal people should not be functioning.

And contagious happy is always good!

The Ferryman said...

I don't understand why she is so happy. Isn't she still married to you? :)

rennratt said...


Here's to New Beginnings!

Al said...

sarah: Contagious happy is infectious. I find myself looking at thinngs differently.

Mr Fab: It could be worse, she could be married to you. Oh wait a minute, her stadards could never go THAT low.

Renn: There are no ends, just new beginnings