Thursday, March 20, 2008

Still on the move

Things, for all of their hectic activity, have made very little progress.

The room may be small for 12 people, but as I am the sole person inhabiting it, it suits me just fine. It's a little weird, seeing there is a whole lot of activity going on around me, just not in this room.

At lunch I took a nap, and I slept an extra 10 minutes. When I woke up, I realized that there was no one to wake me up (Or care that I overslept for that matter).

Someone I knew was coming over this way for a meeting so I had them go to my old desk and grab a computer cable so I could have phone hookes up. Yeah, I know that soulds weird, but the phones run on cable and are in-line getween the wall jack and the docking station. So now I have landline as well as two cell phones.

Some more of the people will be moving in as of Monday, so I will be losing my peace and quiet. As soon as they get situated, I will have to move on to my next (and permanent) digs.

Well, as permanent as anything is around here.

I put in an application for a first line Managerial Job. I am not sure I really want it, but what the heck, it costs me nothing to throw my hat in the ring.

I know, I know. I have sworn over and over that First Line Manager is the most thankless, underpaid overhyped job at the Lazy B, and I know because I have been one. But the people who worked for me tell me I was the best manager they have every worked for.

If they would only pass that perception on to upper management.

Upper Management doesn't care for me because I never, never kiss ass, tell the truth even when they don't want to hear it, and always can produce facts and data to back up my statements.

And let's not forget the killer "You're just not a Team Player".

Sure I am, you're just not on the same team as me.


Rick said...

So the planted you there to what? Guard the door? I hear ya on the Team Player thing. My problem is... I don't respond well to threats. Well, that, and any job description that includes "Make your boss look good."

Al said...

Rick: Equipment has a way of growing legs if there is no one around to keep an eye on it. And make sure all the stuff is hooked up correcctly and is functional, like finding the path to the network printer and such.

Sarah said...

Enjoy your solitude while you can!

And, good luck with the job app in case you decide you want it!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I say screw it and just hit the lottery.


Al said...

Sarah: It is kinda nice to not have to put up with anyone else. I haven't decided if I even want the Management job. It would be a hoot if they offered and I refused.

PQ: I'm not enough of an optimist to spend money on the lottery.

Anonymous said...

It would be so sweet to be able to use that "same team" line!!!

Al said...

NCP: I have heard the term "empowerment" so many times, but when the rubber meets the road, management just can't give up the reins. And I have used the line. One of the reasons upper managemment doesn't like me.