Friday, October 06, 2006


I take Metformin for my diabetes. It is a little hard on my stomach, so I have to be careful what I eat, because I get a terrible upset stomach from overindulging in a lot of things.

For instance I can have a couple of beers, but if I have more than a couple, I will be up all night with an upset stomach. Same with Pizza. Any more than two slices guarantees a restless night.

So last night I had three slices of pizza and four beers. I woke up at 2:30 with my digestive track making the most entertaining noises. Repeated doses of Pepto didn't really do anything for me.

I tossed and turned and didn't really get back to a solid sleep, but drifted in and out of awareness.

The trouble was, I kept having nightmares.

In the first one, I was riding in a bus around Alki, across the bay from Seattle, when it was hit with a carpet bombing attack. Skyscrapers were falling, fires were burning, and a fighter turned and headed for the bus. I could see the water spouts as the machine gun rounds walked across the water towards the bus. I was trying to figure out how to get out when the rounds started hitting the bus.

I woke up in a sweat, looking for a way out.

When I drifted out to lala land again, I had managed to make it home, but someone had nailed all of the doors shut, covered over the windows, and set the house on fire with Carol and I inside. I had to pry a sheet of plywood off of the big window in the living room, and jump through the glass to escape.

When I got outside a guy was over in front of the house with a knife, cutting the hose in two so that I couldn't put out the fire. I was too late to stop him.

So I picked him up by the throat with my left hand and stated pounding him in the solar plexus as hard as I could. I pummelled him into unconsciousness, then woke up.

Although I was still real tired, I was also relieved when the alarm went off.


Daphnewood said...

such violent dreams! I could have fun interpreting those. Like, you are feeling under attack from all angles. At least you managed to escape in two of them. AND save the wife. Nightmares induced by beer and pizza are wicked. That is one thing I always remember most about the book "A Christmas Carol". Scrooge thought the ghost of Jacob Marley was nothing more than a dream from a bit of undigested mustard. Even then people knew food could make you have nightmares. Sorry to ramble on. Have a great weekend Al.

Al said...

Certain foods definitely effect my dreams, but it was the indigestion more than anything else. Both dreams are a "trapped" feeling, which was probable brought on by having indigestion and not being able to get rid of it.

Or maybe not.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Wow...and here I thought I had a bad night!

When I take Melatonin (to help me sleep), it makes me dream crazy things...although not quite as crazy (scary) as yours!

Al said...

I've had these end-of-civilization-as-we-know-it dreams for years. They are consistent enough that I could make a book out of them if I could just figure out how to hang them together.

An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

Ever notice that when you have a nightmare and wake up, when you back to sleep you are instantly back in nightmare-scape.. but should you be dreaming about winning the lottery or having an absolute sauce-pot of a dream that once you wake it just drifts away lazzily, never to return?
God I hate that. You're there willing yourself "go back to sleep! go back to sleep!" all to no avail
i wonder why that is...


Al said...

E-woman: Yeah, the better the dream, the harder it is to get back into. If we can figure out how, I bet we could make millions teaching people how