Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New Arrival

I have a new grandson.

This is kinda bittersweet.

We found out third hand. Both Mrs A and the DIL work at the Credit Union. In fact DIL introduced me to Mrs A. So when the baby was born, all of DILs friends knew, and one of them forwarded the e-mail to Mrs A. who forwarded it to me.

This is all because Mrs A and DIL are feuding. Mrs A would make up in an instant, but DIL is a hater and grudge holder. My son has turned into a pussy-whipped spineless wimp. He never calls V any more and has not done anything with him since July.

What are they thinking?

I hope it is the most colic prone crying little snot ever was.

I am going to sneak down there and feed him Coca-Cola until his little head spins in circles.

I will buy him ridiculously loud and obnoxious toys.

Welcome to the world Elliot Alexander Warren, ever after to be known as E.

Best of luck to you.


Daphnewood said...

Congrats, I guess. Poor V. Why do parents do that?! I hope they don't treat this one like they do V. Anyway, I have been reading your blog but not commenting lately. I was at a loss for words at some it of. I am sorry about your sister's BIL. It is always a shame when life ends so young. Also, I was wondering how things are working out for you and Mrs. A. Are they calming down? I hope so. You have such a big and caring heart. I can take stress at work but stress at home is unbearable for me. I am keeping my fingers crossed and saying my prayers that all will get back to normal in no time for you. And don't worry about baby E. The first time they want to go away for the weekend guess who will get the call to babysit? yep. have a great rest of the week, Al.

Al said...

Thanks Daphnewood. I keep thinking that things are going to level out and settle down. Just as I pause long enough to catch my breath, wham. I think they are calming down finally. Mrs A. and I are going with the band to a Womens detention facility for the weekend, and it will be good to get away from everything.

Rick said...

You got that right... nothin' like a trip to prison to reboot perspectives. ;-)

See ya Saturday.

Al said...

Or maybe Friday night if I make it out to John's for loading the truck

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Awww...a new baby.

And Mountain Dew works MUCH better than coke....it has lots more caffeine. Trust me...I know this...;)

Good luck!

Al said...

Mountain De3w it is. Even the color is obnoxious.