Tuesday, January 16, 2007

More of the Same

Well, it's snowing again. It really doesn't bother me all that much, but Mrs A. is about to drive me nuts (short trip, huh?). She is getting very restless.

She is pretty independent, and having to sit around at home, or rely on my for transportation is driving her nuts, so she feels obliged to pass it along.

I brought my iPod docking station/stereo to work today. I have loaded about 70 CDs on the iPod. What used to take up one full drawer of my desk is now taken up by a little black 1" X 3" X 1/4" piece. I have only used less than half of the storage space on th iPod. Gonna have to go CD shopping.

First thing I did this morning was step outside and step on an insidious terrorist patch of ice lurking under some seemingly innocent snow, and next thing I knew I was laying on my back at the bottom of the steps. Pure as new fallen snow? HAH! Beware .

As I lay there on my back with snow falling in my face, I confess to having some negative thoughts.

Nothing is seriously hurt, but I am probably going to have a couple of technicolor bruises.

I am ready for winter to be over.

Any time now.

I'm waiting........


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I'm jealous...I want one of those iPod thingies too! :)

We're supposed to be getting a cold snap here this week...I think it's going to drop down into the 50's...;)

Al said...


I'll trade you my iPod for your warm weather,

Rick said...

I hear ya. Next door neighbor fell on the ice and broke her wrist a week ago. That has turned into a fulltime baby-sitting job. Yeah, I'll take global warming for $1000, Alex.

Anonymous said...

Our winter is going to start tomorrow. I hear it's going to be like 20 degrees here in Boston. Ugh.

Al said...

Rick: Any time would be fine starting with RIGHT NOW.

Rhea: The weather Gods have things backwards: you should be having Winter, we should be having Very Late Fall, followed by Very Early Spring.

rennratt said...

It is supposed to be in the 30s or 40s here tomorrow.

It was 75 yesterday.

Al said...

Renn: 75 is a nice number. The 40s would also be nice, but it's been a while.