Monday, January 08, 2007

Stayin' Home

One of the things I learned this weekend is that I can't take Percocet and still blog. Oh, if it was absolutely necessary, I probably could. I just couldn't work up the determination and concentration necessary. Much easier to just roll over on the couch.

Another thing is that I don't sleep. I kinda float between consciousness and sleep. Not in one world nor in the other. Not a bad place to be, except when the dreams get weird, and you have a hard time distinguishing what is real and what is not. But then, some of us have that problem even without the drugs (like our President, for example).

My face is still pretty swollen, and I am in a moderate amount of pain, but I decided not to take any Percocet.

At least until I get this posted.

I also need to run to the store for smokes. I have only smoked two cigarettes in the last couple of days, and I feel a nocotine fit coming on, so I need to do that before I take any pain medication, because I really shouldn't drive if I take some.

I was watching the news this morning, and there was a film clip of someone in a Tigger costume punching a kid in the face. Of course the parents of the teen are suing. I figure the kid probably had it coming. Way to go Tigger!



Michael said...

I had percocet after my ankle reconstruction, I stopped taking it... I didn't like being so foggy mentally.

The Tigger thing you didn't dream though, it apparently happened at one of the Disney parks... ;-)

rennratt said...

Beware of dry socket.

And enjoy those percocet!

Al said...

Michael: I quit the Percocet, because I can't do anything if I take them.

Renn: They didn't pull any teeth, so I dont think I have to worry about dry socket.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Well, glad to hear you're not in TOO much pain.

The PK is having himself a nicotine fit too...he's gone without a cigarette for over 24 hours now...but he's making me bring them to the hospital tonight so he can trundle on out to the back 40 to smoke one.

And that's all over the news down here...the Tigger incident. They had one of the women who work in the Disney wardrobe department say something about how it looks like the kid was pulling Tiggers tail...which connects to something else in the suit to keep it held high...and if the kid was indeed pulling on the tail, it somehow (she explained but I didn't catch it all) how it pulls the front of the suit against the person IN the suit...and could cause suffocation. So honestly, I'm thinking the kid was yanking on the tail and wouldn't stop (because the characters ARE IN NO WAY allowed to speak while in costume) so Tigger was trying to get the kid away. I honestly don't think it was even intended to be a punch...I think he was trying to push the kid away and because his (Tiggers) head was so big, he couldn't really see what he was doing...and ended up smacking the kid in the side of the face.

Anyways, I still like Tigger... ;)

Al said...

PQ: Things are seldom what they appear, so I was betting the kid was doing SOMETHING to deserve what he got.