Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I have had a lot of people say that I am certifiable. And indeed I am.

Every year we have to take an assessment (don't call it a test, that's not PC!) You have to pass, or your ability to work in the computing systems is shut off. If you fail the first time, you can take it a second time. If you fail the second time you get a nasty letter in your permanent record. Third time you get three days off without pay, and have to take a three day "Refresher" course (Known as Bonehead Planning, Or Planning for dummies) fail it again and you are out the door.

I very acutely disagree with the whole assessment thing, and I have told Management exactly how I feel. Not that they listen.

I have never failed, but it is a little stressful taking a test that could effect your ability to do your job. Sometimes the contrary me thinks about intentionally failing the test just to see how far they would go. Can you say lawsuit?

Of course I passed both of the assessments.

Today is my birthday, and here I am at work. I don't plan on doing a whole lot today. Mrs A and I will be going out to dinner tonight, and maybe I'll be getting "something special" for my birthday.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...


Woooo-wooo...someone's getting some nooky tonight!!! ;)

Al said...

PQ: Where there's life, there's hope.