Friday, July 20, 2007


This has been a week full of meetings, most of which I can't talk about, but it has been real frustrating. I have been filling in for the guy immediately above me on the food chain, so lots of meetings I am not prepared for.

Once, I was trying to state my organizations stance on an issue, and this one guy kept interrupting. I turned to him and said "R. if you are talking, you are not listening. Could you PLEASE SHUT UP long enough for someone else to get a word in edgewise!!!"

He got this astonished look on his face, like no one had ever had the balls to tell him to shut up. He was actually silent for the next five minutes while I explained our stance.

By this morning I was ready to set my hair on fire and run screaming into the night.

The repair shop found me a good used transmission for the Blazer, and it only costs the soul of my firstborn.

That and a thousand bucks.

This weekend I have to finish off the master bedroom. It's going to be raining (hey, this is the warm rainy season, here in Latteland) Things are just a little too tight in the spare bedroom, and no one knows where anything is. They are scattered all over the upstairs.

All Y'All have a great weekend.


Rick said...

Meetings are the reason God made contractors. We do the work while everybody else sits in meetings. I prefer it that way.

Al said...

Rick: That's why they made first level Managers; Their first job is to remove the obstacles that keep us working types from doing our job.

Anonymous said...

Al - I suppose that is the reason I am no longer a first level manager.

Al said...

Micki: I was a first level manager for five years, but got "Promoted" out of management a couple of years ago. I won't ever go back.

Al said...
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