Saturday, January 19, 2008

Decision Time

Well, Mrs A handed in the paperwork on Friday to start her retirement. She will officially retire on Feb. 29th.

She will leap into a new part of her life on Leap Day. I thought it was pretty clever timing.

We discussed what she should do next. We agreed that there was no reason to hurry and make a decision. She plans to take a couple of months to think and pray on what to do. For the first couple of months she intends to do volunteer work at the church., taking people to doctor's appointments and such.

She will love doing things for people that will actually appreciate it and be grateful. She is not the kind to sit around for long. I have suggested she pick a service career, probably in a Medical support position, go to school for a while, and go do something she will enjoy an will be fulfilling.

I am a little bit envious. I have a job I enjoy, which compensates me adequately, is a challenge, and uses my abilities. I really don't want to retire yet, and the next year or two will be a real challenge. Then I will be ready to take a good long look at retirement.


rennratt said...

Good for her!

It takes a giant leap of faith to take the step to retire. My mum and dad each took over 3 years between 'deciding' and 'completing'.

Mrs. A will likely find that retirement suits and is more fulfilling than ANY "PAID" job she has ever had.

Or, like my dad, she may find a second career with less stress that she really LOVES.

Best of luck and all prayers to this new change.

Anonymous said...

Good for her! Wow - how lucky to have a chance to find what she wants to do rather than what she has to do!!

Al said...

Renn: She's been going around singing "Zipidee Doo Daw". Right now she has plenty of time do figure out what she wants to do next.

NCP: I'vev been getting lost of gratifcation from being able to make part of it possible. I'm kinda jealouse.

Michael said...

Congrats to the Mrs... I often think about what I'm going to do once the kids are grown and gone. I'd really like to do something more meaningful even if it means a major pay cut. I think she'll really enjoy whatever she winds up doing.

Al said...

Michael: She loves the idea of being able to take some time and pick what she wants to do. It's got to be better than taking peoples money through garnishments.

Sarah said...

I hope Mrs. A enjoys herself, and that you get to retire sometime soon!