Muntz ran an electronics company right after WWII, His idea was that he would buy an expensive radio or TV. He would take out a part, and if it quit working, he would put it back in. If it continued to work he would remove another part. Same thing. Most devices were redundantly engineered, that is they contained back-up systems for everything. If one system broke, the back-up would guarantee that the device would continue to work.
He made millions, because his products were cheaper to produce.
He even made a sports car for a while, the Muntz Jet. It never really became popular, and eventually he quit producing it, mostly because it cost him more to produce than he sold them for. He was also known only in California, so did not have a distribution network or repair facilities.
He also invented the first car stereo and the 4-track tape player, which was the predecessor of the 8 track.
People are applying this same model to business organizations. Unfortunately there is not always a replacement available when you eliminate one.
You weren't expecting them to learn from that, were you ;)
ncp: They only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear.
I was waiting for you to tell us you just bought a couple o' Muntz-es to fix up.
Rick: If I had the oportunity, i'd jump on it, but I think I have pushed Mrs A to the limit as it is.
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