Thursday, January 17, 2008

Stoned Again?

I did not go to work yesterday. When I got home on Tuesday, my back started hurting. It came and went all evening and night. I didn't sleep well at all.

It was bad enough that I broke down and hit the Percocet. After that I wasn't worth a damn. Right now I am waiting for the doctor's office to open so I can get in and confirm my suspicion that I am passing a kindey stone. At least that's what it feels like.

I passed a stone about 10 years ago, and that's what this feels like.


sue said...

Oh, OUCH. Here's hoping if that IS what the trouble is, it passes quickly... and if that's not it, that you get some serious relief soon.

Tell Mrs. A to hang in there, too. She is in the right. 100%. Do what the doctor tells her. Like you say, if they let her go - take unemployment. She's paid into it. She's earned it. If they aren't going to respect her health, they can take a flying leap...

Al said...

Sue: That's what I keep telling her. Hang in there until they make up their minds what to do. She doesn't know what she wants to do right now.
My kidneys are not hurting too bad right now. It comes and it goes. I'm still going to go to the doctor's and double check things. Mrs A would be all over me if I don't.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oooo...sounds painful! Thank goodness for prescription drugs...woooo-weeeee! ;)

Hope the doc fixed you up!

Michael said...

You have my sympathy, I suffer from frequent stones and wouldn't wish it on anyone!

Al said...

PQ: I have a prescription for Percocet, but I haven't had time to fill it yet.

Michael: The entertainment value of passing a stone is WAY over rated.

Anonymous said...

Sounds wildly unpleasant.

Good luck with that.

Al said...

ncp: One Percocet, and I can handle it. Two Percocet, and just stand me in the corner because I'd be useless.

Sarah said...

Ooo, so sorry to hear that! Hope it all works itself out okay... *giggle* Sorry, couldn't help myself!